Searching for Doron Sheffer

Truth and fiction: From a year in Israel while searching for # 11

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Going, going, .......


Actually, this could sum up many different things in Israel this week.

First off, GONE is the end of the year. As I'm very very close to the end of school and have a bunch of finals and papers over the next few weeks and then most of my classmates are back to North America. Since I'm discussing classmates, these people get so worked up about finals it's disturbing. The teachers must be so frustrated by scores of questions coming in about this final or that final -- what happened to just learning the information. Sure we want to do well, but i think we're taking this to a new level. What's a shame, is that half of these people are totally worked up about getting good grades in hebrew, but when it comes to ordering a cup of coffee at the local coffee shop, they'll only speak in english.

Two, GONE, it may end up summing up the proud Israeli government. A new report criticising the government for ineptness stemming from last summer's war in Lebanon/North was released this week. It is quite damaging to anyone in the government and it has many individuals calling for Olmert's resignation. Currently his approval rating is hovering around 3% (not a typo). 3%, for the record, is about the standard margin of error in most of these polls, so Olmert effectively has the support of not one person in the entire country. (stroll into Israel wearing a white sheet and hood and holding a burning cross and you'd be more popular) It's insane how far this government has fallen, corruption, ineptness and deceit have become the norm. (at least, Israel has an independent review for poor war choices ... but i digress)

Three, GONE. The first dinger hit in Israel's inaugural baseball season. I should have tried out as the draft of the 6 team league was held this week with the season to start over the summer. As a blatant publicity stunt, the last player drafted was .... Sandy Koufax. Yup the Dodger southpaw who hasn't thrown a pitch in 41 years was drafted by one of the local teams.

Four, GONE. Me, to study for some finals, but i've put a couple picture from me in Egypt up for your viewing pleasure.


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